Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why you’re un-American if you Hate Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen is the greatest American singer-songwriter to ever live. The
Boss is the quintessential American. He represents everything that is great about this country. When our fore fathers were drafting the Constitution they envisioned Bruce Springsteen. “We the People” are looking for a unifying voice to stand behind. Enter a humble New Jersey rocker has not forgot his blue-collar roots while staying true to himself and simultaneously evolving as an artist. His albums and songs transcend time, the mark of a true legend. He sings about the common, hard-working man, who’s trying to do the right thing. People can relate to his lyrics because it touches the depths of their soul and everyone yearns for that one thing—the American dream.

I am shocked and appalled when someone tells me they hate Springsteen. My response is: “Do you hate baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie?” If so, my advice to you: Go South of the border to Mexico and work for 25 cents a day with no bathroom breaks. You’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth and can’t fathom the everyday struggles of a blue-collar hard-working American, living pay check to pay check. People who hate Springsteen because they are sick of hearing the same old songs are absolutely retarded. You think “Born in the U.S.A.” and “Glory Days” are his only songs because you hear them played at your local watering hole. These popular songs exemplify Springsteen and his beliefs but are only a fraction of Springsteen’s excellence. You clearly haven’t listened to any real Boss songs. Meanwhile, if you truly listened to “Waiting on a Sunny Day”, “Youngstown” or “No Surrender” you would realize how his lyrics, cords, and tone are exceptionally intertwined and personify life, love, and friendship.

If you have never seen Springsteen live in concert, it is without a doubt the best musical experience you will encounter. His concerts, like his songs are high energy, emotional, and memorable. It represents youth, freedom, loyalty, persistence, patience and experience from years gone past. From drinking all night chasing girls to growing up taking responsibility to living your life the way you want to live it; the pain and redemption in his voice ‘cuts through your veins like a knife.’ He sings to the child in all of us and makes us forget for one night the everyday struggles of life.

Oct 2, 2007: The release of Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Bands’ new album “Magic.” Which I fully recommend!

Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band also kick off their first tour since 2002 and I guarantee one hell of show, you won’t soon forget, that you can proudly relive with family and friends.

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